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current location: Home News Company Dynamics International Vision Tiger Roaring | General Mobilization for the Commencement of Han's Laser High Power Components Product Group!
International Vision Tiger Roaring | General Mobilization for the Commencement of Han's Laser High Power Components Product Group!

Company Dynamics| 2022-06-20|大族光聚

The new appearance of the fierce tiger

Starting in the Year of the Tiger

The 10th day of the New Year is perfect

Management of Han's Laser High Power Components Product Group

have a joyous gathering

Cheer up for 2022!


According to the current situation of the industry development, President Chen gave clear instructions on the annual work objectives and directions of each subsidiary, and required each product center of high power components to operate under the twelve word policy of "international vision, technology leadership, and quality first". With the 3 1 N development strategy, he took the core technologies and core products of Han's Photon's laser exciter, Han's intelligent control numerical control system, and Han's photofocusing head as the public products of the laser industry, Serve the whole laser industry. All managers have clear ideas, clear goals and full energy.

Sound blessing is a brand new voice that will set sail in 2022



The conference specially arranged games and profit markets to start a new journey in the Year of the Tiger with full enthusiasm in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Looking forward to the Tiger Year, the 2022 Han's laser high power components product group will strive hard to follow the light and dream and create a new era!


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